
Welcome to Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)!

We will welcome guests who will share the Love of Christ with us! We will see how the Spirit of Christ teaches us to be the Church in these times. Join this Great Adventure of Love we are on! 

Learning to be together in the digital world can be challenging for those new to it. We encourage you to be patient with yourself and others as we learn. Humans have made long and dangerous journeys to be with those they love. We have the Spirit of Christ in us and we love each other. Thank you for all that you do to share the Love of Christ!

Sunday Worship Now Live on YouTube!

We are now streaming Sunday Services on YouTube Live. Zoom will be audio-only for dial-in users, and we will no longer use Facebook Live. You can join us on Zoom (audio only), listen in the church parking lot on FM 91.1, or watch videos on YouTube Live. Click here to watch more worship videos on our YouTube channel. Click here to watch videos on our Facebook page.

Welcome Our New Pastor, Rev. Ryan Craddock!

Rev. Ryan Craddock

Rev. Craddock was a member and associate pastor at Hood Memorial ChristianChurch in Dunn, NC where he had served since 2020. He also works at PRI Counseling Services as a licensed addiction counselor. Ryan served as an elder at Union Community Church in Plain View, NC from 2014-2020 and has been ordained for Christian ministry with New Millennium Ministries since 2015. He is a candidate for ordination with the Christin Church (Disciples of Christ) and is currently journeying with the Commission on Ministry. Ryan holds a Master of Divinity Degree from Campbell University in Buies Creek, NC where he met his wife Meredith who is also a pastor. They enjoy playing games, gardening, going to shows and walking Tippi, their new puppy.

Fish Fry Luncheon – Sunday, February 23

Please plan to attend our famous fish fry luncheon after the morning worship service on Sunday, February 23rd. Hosted by Jimmy and Dianne Green and Chris Morris. You can just bring your appetite and a dessert. The fish and fixings are furnished.

Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5th. Each Wednesday during Lent until Holy Week, Wendell UMC will host a devotion and luncheon at 12:15 PM. Also, we are planning a luncheon after the morning worship service each Sunday during Lent. Various committees will host these luncheons. Palm Sunday is April 13th this year. Starting Monday, April 14th, we will be hosting the devotions and lunches during Holy Week and providing the devotion and lunch on Good Friday, April 18th. The Wendell Council of Churches has finalized the congregations providing the lunches and devotions. All are invited to attend. The Easter Sunrise Service on April 20th will be at the Wendell town square around 6:30 AM! More details later. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us for any or all of our Lenten Devotional gatherings.

Hospitality – First Sundays at 10:30 A.M.

Join us for hospitality and fellowship on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall! Coffee and other beverages will be available as well as food items like doughnuts and muffins. All are welcome! Be a friend, bring a friend!

Your Contribution is Needed and Welcomed!

As many churches today are experiencing, our congregational giving is down from previous years. The summertime is especially tough with attendance sporadic as folks take vacations. The current economy and higher costs of everything have been affecting us all, too.

We have had to pull funds from our savings account several times to meet our current obligations. So that everyone understands, we may have an approved budget, but if the donations don’t match the spending, we do NOT spend money in categories that are not critical. For example, insurance, electricity, water, utilities, and salaries must be paid. Funds for the Pastor’s Education/Workshops, Children’s ministry items, and community assistance(such as helping others with bills, etc.), have not been used due to lack of funds. All of this money is called the “general operating budget.”

We have additional funds in a Building/Facilities fund that cannot be spent on general operating expenses. This would pay for items like the new air conditioner, or new items for the church facility.

Most of the activities this year(food activities especially) have been funded by members/participants bringing items to share. Thresa and Glenn closely monitor the budget and I sincerely appreciate their combined effort to keep things in check.

With this information/explanation, we hope you’ll understand our request for your prayerful consideration for your family giving to WCC for the remainder of 2023.

Contribute to Wendell Christian Church


Your financial support is greatly needed and appreciated. Click here to make an online contribution, or you can mail your contributions to WCC, PO Box 874, Wendell, NC 27591-0874. To download the Gively smartphone app, click here. Once installed on your phone, enter zip code 27591 for your location and search for Wendell Christian Church.