Regional Assembly April 22-24

Regional Assembly April 22-24

The Christian Church (DOC) in NC Regional Assembly will be April 22-24 in Greenville, NC. Three voting delegates from our church can attend. The informational packet is on the information table in the Fellowship Hall. Click here for more information.
Camp Caroline Presentation February 22

Camp Caroline Presentation February 22

Camp Caroline is a summer camp for kids of all ages. It is located in Arapahoe, NC and is owned and operated by the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina. Casey Perry, Director at Camp Caroline will be here at Wendell Christian Church on Monday,...
Regional Assembly April 22-24

Regional Assembly April 22-24

The Disciples of Christ Regional Assembly will meet on April 22-24 in Greenville, NC. Three voting delegates from our church can attend. Please contact Jim Peeples if you want to attend.