by RR | Feb 3, 2016 | Church News, Disciples Women
The Church Family is invited to a special time of fellowship as we celebrate the Season of Love. This Valentine’s “Love Banquet” will take place on Sunday, February 14th in our Fellowship Hall immediately following Worship Service that Sunday. The meal will be catered...
by RR | Nov 12, 2015 | Church News, Disciples Women
The Disciples Women are collecting warm hats, gloves, and blankets to be donated to a homeless shelter. Please consider bringing some of these items to the Church Fellowship Hall this week. There will be baskets set up for collection in the Fellowship Hall and...
by RR | Jun 9, 2015 | Church News, Disciples Women, Evangelism
The Disciples Women and Evangelism Committee are sponsoring an Ice Cream Social on Sunday, July 4 at 6:30 P.M. If you would like to bring a freezer of home made ice cream or cookies, etc., please contact June Phelps or Alice Hall. Everyone is invited!
by RR | Mar 30, 2015 | Church News, Disciples Women
The Disciples Women’s Fellowship is planning an Olde English Afternoon Tea Party and Shoppe on Saturday, April 18th at 2:00 P.M. as a church fund raiser. There will be a typical “Tea” menu served in the Fellowship Hall which we will decorate as a Tea...
by RR | Feb 9, 2015 | Church News, Disciples Women
Our annual Valentine luncheon sponsored by DWF will be on Sunday, February 15th in the Fellowship Hall after Morning Worship. It will be catered again this year by The Forks of Wake Forest. The cost is $12.75 for adults. Children 12 and under are free with adult...
by RR | Oct 12, 2014 | Church News, Disciples Women
See your loved one’s names cut in stone! Do not Delay! Order a brick in honor or memory of a loved one so that we can display them in the Memorial Garden. We need to order soon since some have already paid, and we need to order as many as possible to keep the...