Congregational Meeting March 9

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in North Carolina is scheduled to hold the 2014 Regional Assembly April 25-27, 2014. The Assembly will be held in Raleigh at the Hilton. The theme for this years Assembly will be “No Longer Strangers”

Wendell Christian Church is authorized three (3) Voting Delegates and three (3) Alternates Delegates.

Therefore, in accordance with the WCC Constitution and By-laws this correspondence will serve as notice of a called Congregational Meeting for March 9, 2014 immediately following Worship. The purpose of this meeting will be to ratify delegates representing Wendell Christian Church at the 2014 Regional Assembly.

As stated: Called Congregational Meeting
Purpose: Ratify Delegates representing WCC at the 2014 Regional Assembly April 25-27, 2014.
Date: March 9, 2014 following Worship Service.

The Official Board met following worship on February 23, 2014 to discuss/consider candidates for presentation to the Congregation for consideration as Delegates to represent WCC.
Results of that meeting, by unanimous vote to forward the following names for consideration/ratification:

Ann Harris
Virginia Mora
Mike Harrison

Gayenell Gull
Cre Campbell
Jim Peebles

With the 2014 Regional Assembly being held in Raleigh we are hoping many will get to take advantage and join the festivities. It will be convenient and presents a very enjoyable experience to meet and fellowship with others from across our State.

Look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting on March 9, 2014.

In Christian Spirit,
Mike Harrison
Board Chairman

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