Disciples Women Annual Report

Dove150The Disciples Women have met three times since the last Board meeting in October. During each meeting the study of Exodus has continued. The study guide used for this program is one recommended by our Regional Disciples Women leaders.

Final numbers have come in on the yard sale held in September and the event brought in just over $4,000.00.  The group voted to give $1,000.00 to the church General Fund before the end of the fiscal year.  The other $3,000.00 will be paid directly to K and S Bank to reduce our loan on the capital projects including the stained glass window refurbishing. Thanks for the effort on the yard sale goes out to Judy Harrison and her committee as well as all members of the congregation that helped. We could not have done it without everyone’s help.

During December we decided to purchase poinsettias for the elderly or sick members of our church.  Different individuals were visited by members of the Disciples Women group. Eleven poinsettias were delivered and the visits to our members in their homes or living settings were so greatly appreciated.

Disciples Women led a church-wide effort to provide Christmas gifts for a needy family.  The father was greatly appreciative saying this was the first time in four years his children have been able to have Christmas.

Quilt raffle tickets for two different quilts will be sold during February and March.  The funds from these raffles will help to support funding for the Disciples Women’s Ministries Woman-To-Woman program.  One quilt is made by Jane Smith and donated by Hillyer Memorial Christian Church. It is called Jellystone Roses and is green, beige and red. The other quilt is donated by First Christian Church of Elizabeth City. The winning tickets will be drawn on April 26 at the DWM/CWF Regional Luncheon at the North Raleigh Hilton-you do NOT have to be present to win.

This year for our Sweetheart Lunch for Valentine’s Day we will have a catered lunch at the church in the fellowship hall.  The DW will supplement the cost of the event, bringing the ticket price per meal down to $10. Final information will be in the bulletin this Sunday. Catering will be by The Fork in Wake Forest. The date is February 9, so, mark your calendars!

Respectfully submitted,

Gayenell Campbell Gull, President

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