Help Needed for Good Friday Lunch

Dove150Our church is responsible for the lunch on Good Friday, April 18th.

At our March meeting Disciples Women decided on the following menu:

  • Baked Spaghetti (we are going to have a recipe so it will all be the same, but there will be with and without meat-9 x 13 pans)
  • Salad(with choice of Ranch or Italian dressing)
  • Bread(tentatively looking at rolls)
  • Brownie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream
  • Tea or water

In the near future we will be posting a list in the kitchen by the phone if you are willing to help us with any of the items above. If you would like to send me a note now, letting me know if you can help, that’s fine, too.

We appreciate your support of the Wendell area churches who share in the responsibility of the Lenten Luncheons and Holy Week Services.

Gayenell Gull

President, Disciples Women WCC

Contact us about this position: