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Church members are welcome to leave a comment at the bottom of this page if they have a new announcement or if there’s something we’ve missed.
Sunday Worship Now Live on YouTube!
We are now streaming Sunday Services and Wednesday Devotions on YouTube Live. Zoom will be audio-only for dial-in users, and we will no longer use Facebook Live. Please contact the technology team for any questions or assistance in accessing our YouTube channel. You can join us on Zoom (audio only), Listen in the church parking lot on FM 91.1 or YouTube Live, or later here on our website.
Christmas Poinsettias
The Worship Committee plans to order poinsettias for the Christmas season from Chris’ Greenhouse so that they will all be alike. If you would like to place a poinsettia in church for the Christmas season, please contact Ann Harris. The cost is $14.75 each. Please give Ann the name of the person you want it to be in honor of or in memory of.
Chili Fundraiser – Saturday, November 23
The DWF is planning a Chili “Take Out Only” fundraiser on Saturday, November 23rd, 11 AM – 6 PM, for $12 per quart.
Board Meeting – Sunday, November 24
There will be a board meeting in the Fellowship Hall after morning worship on Sunday, November 24th. The purpose is to approve the installation of new flooring in the parsonage and approve recommendations from a real estate firm.
Decorating for Christmas – Saturday, November 30
The Worship Committee invites you to participate in decorating the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall for the upcoming Christmas and Advent Season on Saturday morning, November 30th, at 10 AM. Everyone is invited. Taller people are especially needed to help put up the tall tree.
Annual Congregational Meeting – Sunday, December 1
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, December 1st, at approximately 1:15 PM, following our traditional soup/sandwich lunch. The purpose is to receive and approve the Board-approved proposed Budget and Nominating Committee Reports for 2025.
Christmas Family Night – Sunday, December 15
SAVE THE DATE! Family Night Christmas Potluck Dinner will be held on December 15th at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall. It will be a true potluck, so bring a dish to share and join us for caroling, a reading of the Christmas Story, along with crafts and games. Be sure to invite your friends. The more the merrier!
Christmas Eve Lessons & Carols, 11:00 P.M.
What sweeter music can we bring,
Than a Carol, for to sing
The Birth of this our heavenly King?
Awake the Voice! Awake the String!
You are cordially invited to join us for our Annual Christmas Eve Service of Word and Song at 11:00 P.M. The prophecy and story of Jesus’ birth will be presented in word and music, including many of your favorite Christmas carols. The Service of Lessons and Carols is one of the most beautiful celebrations of the Christmas Season. You are welcome to come and join us in celebrating the Savior’s birth in this very special way.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study is on summer break until Wednesday, September 4th at 10:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Please share this with those who do not get our emails. Led by Virginia Mora and June Phelps.
Hospitality and Fellowship – First Sundays at 10:30 A.M.
Join us for hospitality and fellowship on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall! Coffee and other beverages will be available as well as food items like doughnuts and muffins. All are welcome! Be a friend, bring a friend!
Disciples Women Fundraisers
Is your loved one or close friend on display for all to see? Order a brick in honor of or in memory of a loved one or close friend. These beautiful bricks are only $50 each. View the Memorial Garden Patio for examples. Order forms are in the Fellowship Hall or see any DWF member.
The DWF is also selling Rada Cutlery as an ongoing fundraiser. Please see any member of DWF to look at one of the catalogs. These make great gifts and will help the DWF with our projects. Any questions, see Ann Harris or Alice Hall.
Contribute to Wendell Christian Church
Your financial support is greatly needed and appreciated. Click here to make an online contribution, or you can mail your contributions to WCC, PO Box 874, Wendell, NC 27591-0874. To download the Gively smartphone app, click here. Once you have it installed on your phone, put in zip code 27591 for your location and search for Wendell Christian Church.
Martha’s Compassion Box
The CACS Committee sponsors WCC’s Martha’s Compassion Box. This is a “take what you need and leave what you can” compassion box for community residents. The box will house books for both children and adults, toiletries, and nonperishable food items. Individuals are welcome to contribute. Unfortunately, more has been taken lately than has been left. We still have an adequate supply of powdered milk and applesauce but are very low on other items. Please contribute what you can but NO perishables.
Contact An Elder
The Elders are available to the congregation for prayer requests, suggestions, questions or concerns. Click here to send a message to one of our Church Elders.
Reports and Bulletin Updates
Various financial reports, as well as other useful information, are on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Please email Sunday Bulletin updates to Glenn Harris by Friday each week.
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