Dear WCC Family and Friends-
We have some important dates to get on your calendar:
1. Our congregational meeting to finalize our “Shaping Our Future Together in Christ” recommendations to be sent to the Church Board will be held on September 11 after church. You will be receiving an email to give you an update on the information gathered/brainstormed at our last meeting. Please review this before our Sept.11 meeting. You will be getting more details closer to the date.
2. October 2 is Homecoming for WCC. We hope to have visitors and locals to fill our pews on that Sunday and a wonderful fellowship meal after the service.
3. On October 9 we will have a “Blessing of the Animals” -watch for details coming soon.
Additionally, here’s some specific information to share from the Board meeting on August 10:
4. Our total revenue(offering) is down and we have had to move money from another account for 2 months in a row due to low income. A review of our budget(copies available) will show that our budget is really quite slim for our church. Because of this situation, we have decided to have a fundraiser meal with details still TBD. We are looking at a date later in October to give us time to sell tickets for our event. Stay tuned!
5. We need 2 more individuals to join Glenn Harris, Alice Hall, and Briana Eddy on the Nominating Committee. Please contact me ASAP if you can help!
Sending you love and prayers!