Did we miss something?
Church members are welcome to leave a comment at the bottom of this page if you have a new announcement or if there’s something we’ve missed.
Join Us for Online Worship on Sunday at 11:00 A.M.
Please join us for worship through Facebook or Zoom:
- Fellowship and check-in (we are learning to connect on Zoom) 10:30 – 10:55 AM
- Worship 11 AM to Noon
- Announcements and fellowship Noon – 12:30 PM
- Facebook: WCC Together
- FM Radio 91.1 (within one block of the church)
- Zoom Meeting: Enter the Meeting ID and password.
Missed the live worship? Watch and listen here.
Wednesday Morning Devotion 7:30 A.M.
We welcome everyone to join us for our morning devotional services each Wednesday at 7:30 A.M. on Zoom. Enter the Meeting ID and password. Video recordings are available here.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study – Paused for Summer
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study is paused for the summer but will resume after Labor Day. Join us on Wednesday mornings at 10:30 AM. You may participate on ZOOM or in person in the Fellowship Hall. If you choose to come in person, please wear a mask. We will continue our study of Genesis. Please share this with those who do not use the computer. This is a community Bible Study so feel free to invite others to join us. Looking forward to seeing each of you on Wednesday in September!

Elders Meeting Thursday, June 16
Elders will meet Thursday, June 16th at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall and on zoom.
Clean-up Day Saturday, June 25

The Property and Grounds Committee is planning an outside work day/clean-up day for Saturday, June 25th starting at 9 AM. The target area will be the natural area and azaleas outside the East Wing. Everyone is invited to participate!
Ice Cream Social – Saturday, July 2

The TGIF and Evangelism Committee will host an Ice Cream Social on Saturday, July 2nd beginning at 6:30 PM outside by the Gazebo. There will be music and great fellowship. Please RSVP to Virginia Mora by Sunday, June 19th so we will know how many are planning to come. Let her know if you plan to bring a freezer of homemade ice cream or your favorite ice cream or cookies or drinks or something else. Everyone is invited!
Thank You, Andy Hanna!
Many Thanks to Andy Hanna for designing and building the beautiful cross in the front of the church chancel. It is beautiful work of art that enhances our church sanctuary.
Contribute to Wendell Christian Church

Although some of us cannot be physically together during this COVID-19 pandemic, our ministries and church expenses continue and your financial support is greatly needed and appreciated. Click here to make an online contribution, or you can mail your contributions to WCC, PO Box 874, Wendell, NC 27591-0874. To download the Gively smartphone app, click here. Once you have it installed on your phone, put in zip code 27591 for your location and search for Wendell Christian Church.
Martha’s Compassion Box
WCC’s Martha’s Compassion Box is sponsored by the CACS Committee. This is a “take what you need and leave what you can” compassion box for community residents. The box will house books for both children and adults, toiletries, and nonperishable food items. Individuals are welcome to contribute. Unfortunately, more has been taken lately than have been left. We still have an adequate supply of powdered milk and applesauce but are very low on other items. Please contribute what you can but NO perishables, please.
Welcome Back, Children!
WCC is welcoming back our children. Each Sunday we will have someone go back with the children after the children’s sermon. They will enjoy a story from their Spark Story Bible that aligns with the morning message. We would love to see your children. We have a sign-up sheet on the sanctuary piano for those willing to spend some time on a Sunday with our children. If you would like to find out more about our fall plans, please contact Summer Smith, Melanie Pepon, or Tammy Fuller.
Children’s Bible Story Videos
The Education Committee will be creating Bible Story videos to share with the community throughout the summer. We would love to have some guest readers so our children can feel connected to our entire community. Please contact Tammy Fuller if you would be willing to read a story for our children. (No worries if you don’t know how to create one, our team will help you with that!) Click here for this week’s story.
Shaping Our Future Together in Christ
We are looking for input from each member of the congregation in order to better understand the needs and hopes among us. We would greatly appreciate your response, using the below questions as a guide:
- What do you like about Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)?
- What hopes do you have for Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)?
- What challenges do you see or experience within Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)?
- Please share any of your memories and historical knowledge of Wendell Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that we may collect.
Please share your feedback by emailing your response to the email address published in the printed bulletin, leaving a written response on the entrance table in the sanctuary, or letting us know if you would like to speak with a team member directly. Thank you!
Contact An Elder
The Elders are available to the congregation for prayer requests, suggestions, questions or concerns. Click here to send a message to one of our Church Elders.
COVID-19 Resources

The COVID-19 outbreak has been accompanied by a flood of misinformation from unreliable sources. Be thoughtful about what you read or hear about the virus and make sure you are separating rumor from fact before you act. Click here for additional information and resources.
Reports and Bulletin Updates
Various financial reports, as well as other useful information, are on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Please email Sunday Bulletin updates to Glenn Harris by Friday each week.
Disciples of Christ Links
Youth and Young Adults on Facebook
Follow Camp Caroline on Facebook
Follow the Christian Church in NC on Facebook