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Church members are welcome to leave a comment at the bottom of this page if they have a new announcement or if there’s something we’ve missed.

Sunday Worship Now Live on YouTube!
We are now streaming Sunday Services and Wednesday Devotions on YouTube Live. Zoom will be available as audio-only for dial-in users, and we will no longer use Facebook Live. Please contact the technology team for any questions or assistance in accessing our YouTube channel.
You can also join us on Zoom (audio only), or Listen in the church parking lot on FM 91.1 or on YouTube Live, or later here on our website.
Wednesday Morning Devotion
We welcome everyone to join us for our morning devotional services each Wednesday at 7:30 A.M. on Zoom or on YouTube Live. Enter the Meeting ID and password. Video recordings are available here.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study Resumes in September
The Wednesday Morning Bible Study will resume on September 6th in the Fellowship Hall on Wednesday Mornings at 10:30 AM. led by Virginia Mora and June Phelps. You may participate in person in the Fellowship Hall, no Zoom broadcasts at that time.
Disciples Women – Sunday, September 10
The Disciple Women’s Fellowship will meet on Sunday, September 10th in the Fellowship Hall immediately following morning worship service. We will have a light lunch with a short business meeting. Cheryl Hamm will hold a painting session. This should be fun.
Elders Meeting – Sunday, September 17
There will be an Elders meeting with Rev. Fuller on Sunday, September 17th in the Fellowship Hall immediately following morning worship service.
Hospitality and Fellowship – First Sundays at 10:30 A.M.
Join us for hospitality and fellowship on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30 A.M. in the Fellowship Hall! Coffee and other beverages will be available as well as food items like doughnuts and muffins. All are welcome! Be a friend, bring a friend!

Disciples Women Fundraisers
Is your loved one or close friend on display for all to see? Order a brick in honor of or in memory of a loved one or close friend. These beautiful bricks are only $50 each. View the Memorial Garden Patio for examples. Order forms are in the Fellowship Hall or see any DWF member.
The DWF is also selling Rada Cutlery as an ongoing fundraiser. Please see any member of DWF to look at one of the catalogs. These make great gifts and will help the DWF with our projects. Any questions, see Ann Harris or Alice Hall.
Contribute to Wendell Christian Church

Your financial support is greatly needed and appreciated. Click here to make an online contribution, or you can mail your contributions to WCC, PO Box 874, Wendell, NC 27591-0874. To download the Gively smartphone app, click here. Once you have it installed on your phone, put in zip code 27591 for your location and search for Wendell Christian Church.
Martha’s Compassion Box
The CACS Committee sponsors WCC’s Martha’s Compassion Box. This is a “take what you need and leave what you can” compassion box for community residents. The box will house books for both children and adults, toiletries, and nonperishable food items. Individuals are welcome to contribute. Unfortunately, more has been taken lately than has been left. We still have an adequate supply of powdered milk and applesauce but are very low on other items. Please contribute what you can but NO perishables.
Welcome Back, Children!
WCC is welcoming back our children. Each Sunday we will have someone go back with the children after the children’s sermon. They will enjoy a story from their Spark Story Bible that aligns with the morning message. We would love to see your children. We have a sign-up sheet on the sanctuary piano for those willing to spend some time on a Sunday with our children. If you would like to find out more about our fall plans, please contact Summer Smith, Melanie Pepon, or Tammy Fuller.
Children’s Bible Story Videos
The Education Committee will present Bible Story videos to share with the community. We would love to have some guest readers so our children can feel connected to our entire community. Please get in touch with Tammy Fuller if you would be willing to read a story for our children. (No worries if you don’t know how to create one, our team will help you with that!) Click here for this week’s story.
Contact An Elder
The Elders are available to the congregation for prayer requests, suggestions, questions or concerns. Click here to send a message to one of our Church Elders.
Disciples Regional Assembly
The Christian Church (DOC) in NC 175th Regional Assembly will be held in two one-day sessions this year. The first session will be on Saturday, April 29th, 2023 at SouthPark Christian Church, 6650 Park South Drive, Charlotte, NC 28210. The second session will be on Saturday, October 14th, 2023 at Barton College, 400 Atlantic Christian College Dr. NE, Wilson, NC 27893.
Our church is entitled to three voting delegates and three alternate delegates. Resolutions should be submitted to the Regional Office by January 29th, 2023. Delegate registration should be received at the Regional Office by February 28th.
Everyone is invited to attend this two-part Regional Assembly. Let Gayenell Gull know if you would like to be a delegate or alternate delegate.
General Assembly July 29th – August 1st
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) General Assembly will be held this year in Louisville, KY, from July 29th through August 1st, 2023. Our church is entitled to 2 voting delegates/representatives. Click here for details. Please consider attending if you can.
COVID-19 Resources

The COVID-19 outbreak has been accompanied by a flood of misinformation from unreliable sources. Be thoughtful about what you read or hear about the virus and make sure you are separating rumor from fact before you act. Click here for additional information and resources.
Reports and Bulletin Updates
Various financial reports, as well as other useful information, are on a table in the Fellowship Hall. Please email Sunday Bulletin updates to Glenn Harris by Friday each week.
Disciples of Christ Links
Youth and Young Adults on Facebook
Follow Camp Caroline on Facebook
Follow the Christian Church in NC on Facebook