Pick up your Devotional for Lent, “Rest and Resilience: Following the Way of Jesus through Lent”. Share one with someone who can use some rest or seeks to be resilient as a disciple of Jesus. We will be together in Lent and share more fully in the Resurrection as Easter people!
Lent began on Ash Wednesday, February 14th. Each Wednesday during Lent until Holy Week, Wendell UMC will host a devotion and luncheon at 12:15 PM.
Palm Sunday is March 24th. starting Monday, March 25th, we will be hosting the devotions and lunches during Holy Week and providing the devotion and lunch on Good Friday, March 29th
The Wendell Council of Churches has finalized the congregations providing the lunches and devotions. All are invited to attend.
Easter Sunrise Service on March 31st will be at the Wendell town square around 6:30 AM! More details later. Please invite your friends and neighbors to join us for any or all of our Lenten devotional gatherings.