May 19 Community Panel

Dear Wendell Family and Friends- (This will be a very informative gathering–hope you will consider attending)

On Wednesday, May 19 at 6:00 p.m. WCC will have the second gathering for our friends and family to help us move forward with “Shaping Our Future Together in Christ”. This gathering will be a community panel to discuss our Wendell area needs and opportunities for the Faith Community to come together and help our community to be the best it can be for ALL the residents and families. Wendell Mayor Ginna Gray and Town Planner Bryan Coates as well as invited guests from the Wendell Council of Churches will be with us. This information will help us with a future church gathering on where we would like to focus our mission within the community.

Our focus for this meeting is on the churches within the community and our opportunity to find out where we might focus our limited resources and help with needs locally. After the information is provided by the panel, an opportunity will be provided to ask questions.

A Baked Potato Bar will be provided at 6:00 with the Panel to begin at 6:45 pm and the conclusion of the meeting no later than 8:00 pm. We need to know who will be in attendance for the meal preparation. Please contact Gayenell Gull to RSVP by Monday, May 16.

Please consider attending this important information session about our community.


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