Wendell Christian Church hosts a Prayer Gathering each Wednesday from Noon to 1 PM beginning May 5 for anyone who wishes to pray and/or learn to pray. We will use the book: Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home by Richard Foster to inform our learning and our praying. These books are available in the church sanctuary – the cost is only $5 each. If you need a book, get one on Sunday or contact Pastor George, Ann Harris, or Glenn Harris. The gatherings will be led by Pastor George. Other participants will also lead from time to time. Participants will be encouraged to read the chapter for each week and abide by the group covenant which will be read and affirmed at the beginning of each gathering.
Each gathering will be available on Zoom so you can participate from work or home if you cannot gather in person. Video recordings of the teaching time are posted below. The sharing and prayer time will not be recorded. An introduction will be offered during the first two gatherings on May 5 and 12 and will be on Zoom only. We hope to start meeting in person on May 17 when we begin the book study. We will have some simple food available to make participation in person more likely for all who are working or having a busy day. The meal will be planned for those who sign up by emailing Pastor George by 5 PM on the preceding Monday. All who seek a deeper experience of prayer and spiritual awakening in Jesus Christ, are welcome. No prior knowledge is needed and humility will help a lot. The Zoom Link is the same as the Worship Link and the Devotion Link.