July 4th Celebrations

The Wendell Chamber Board of Directors and Town Hall encourages YOU and our local businesses to decorate for the 4th of July – post your decorative photos on the Chamber Facebook page @wendellchamberofcommerce and we will present a prize for the winning entry! This includes ALL business members (downtown and beyond!) Let’s show our pride and spirit!

To encourage social distancing, the Town of Wendell, the Wendell Historical Society and the Wendell Chamber of Commerce will bring the fun to YOU with a reverse parade!

Fire trucks, police cars and other town vehicles will be driving around town at 2 PM on July 4th to celebrate the birth of our nation. Join in the festivities by decorating your house, car, golf cart, children, pets – anything goes!

Send an email to ssmith@townofwendell.com with your address to let us know you’d like us to drive by your house and we’ll plan a route to visit as many areas as possible.

The Wendell Farmers Market will be decorated for the 4th of July! Come by Campen Street & Main Street from 9 AM – 1 PM to check it out and buy local! After you’re done, stop by downtown businesses to see how they’re celebrating! Remember to wear a protective face covering and practice safe social distancing!

Parks & Recreation Department is joining in the fun by hosting a drive-in movie at Wendell Community Park on Friday, July 3rd and Saturday, July 4.


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